Saturday, April 13, 2019

"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" alternative French translation

"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" dates back 1939 with a recording from Zulu singing group Solomon Kalinda and the Evening Birds. The song's original lyrics, if translated, were very sparse. "Big lion, you bring us luck, big lion, big lion, big lion" - so Pete Seeger, who popularized the song in English, wrote the lyrics we are familiar with. Henri Salvador sung a version of it in French telling a story of village celebration because a lion was killed. Instead of "the lion sleeps tonight" the French sing "the lion was killed tonight." I never liked the French lyrics - hated them, in fact. The song is rhythmical and highlighted by soulful wailing and minor chords, so the celebrating village story didn't match the mood of the music.

I made some changes. I refer to the savanna (savane) rather than the jungle, for two reasons. One, Seeger didn't realize that lions don't live in the jungle. Two, the word "savane" is more "singable" than "jungle" - especially in French.

I also emphasized the love story in the night aspect. The savanna is scary, the village is gossipy, but fear not, my love, you will find safety from angry roaring lions in my sweet savanna and my sweet village where lions sleep all night, if you hold my hand.

Dans la savane, terrifiante savane, le lion fâché rugit
Dans ma savane, ma douce savane, le lion dort toute la nuit

Près du village, l'indiscret village, le lion fâché rugit
Près du village, mon galant village, le lion dort toute la nuit

Viens mon ami(e), ne crains pas chéri(e), le lion dort cette nuit
Viens mon ami(e), prend ma douce main, le lion dort cette nuit